Telangana’s former Chief Secretary Shailendra Kumar Joshi has unveiled the book ‘Echo T calling’ – Towards People’s Centric Governance. Today, SK Joshi presented copies of the book to Minister K Tarakaramarao at Pragati Bhavan. Joshi told Minister KTR on the occasion that his years of experience working with the Telangana government was a wonderful time. He said that the Telangana government continues to be the center of the people and the center of their needs. He informed Minister KTR that he had put his experiences in this book as the Secretary General of the Government for the time being.
JK Joshi, who has been a government official for nearly three decades, has expressed his desire to bring his experiences in book form, especially after the formation of Telangana. Minister KTR said on the occasion that he believes that this book will inspire not only the Telangana government but also many officials in the government. Minister KTR said that SK Joshi, who led the state government as the Chief Minister, has now presented his administration in book form to future generations through this book. Minister KTR thanked SK Joshi for bringing such a good book in a short period of time.