CLP Leader Shri. Bhatti Vikramarka addressed a press conference here at assembly media point and expressed anguish overspreading of Covd19 in the state especially in the city of Hyderabad.
Private hospitals are not taking Corona infected patients, they are looting the common man by asking to deposit lakhs of the amount before admitting to hospital.
Instead of stopping spreading Corona Virus, TRS Govt. is focusing on other issues.
Telangana state has reported 31,000 Corona cases so far whereas in Andhrapradesh state reported 25,000 cases. For each 10 lakhs
Population, AP state is doing 20,498 tests whereas TS state is doing 3430 tests. As far as coronate positivity rate is concerned, it is 2.88% in AP state whereas in Telangana state it is 22%. The national average is 7.14 %.
These numbers are showing that the Telangana government has failed in controlling corona and things are going to be a disaster in coming days.
In the case of private hospitals, they are looting the common by charging heavily for treatments and getting a bed for poor people is a nightmare in those hospitals.
Looking at the current situation, as a Congress party is demanding the following
actions to be taken by the government on war footage.
1) We should identify the areas with a greater number of positive cases and finish the survey within 3 to 5 days. We should do this survey the way we have done the Door to Door survey part of Telangana Samagra Kutumba Survey.
The people who have corona symptoms or the people who need it
urgently should be tested and isolated immediately. The positive tested ones should be conducted with other health tests straight away and only necessary ones should be admitted to hospital. Rest of the ones should be treated from home directly.
2) Corporate Hospitals have become Money grabbing machines from people. The government should take 50% of beds in all the private hospitals for at least four months. The allocation of those beds should be provided in a separate new online platform with utmost transparency. There should be an app exclusively dedicated to the real-time updated information about the vacancy of beds in various hospitals, so that people may easily find and visit the hospital.
3) The expenditure of the patients from the general ward should be borne by the government itself. For the patients who request Special rooms can be charged with a certain amount.
4) People living in rented homes and apartments are facing difficulties for home quarantine. This category of people rushing to hospitals immediately is increasing the pressure on the hospitals. As a solution to this issue, we should provide the possibility of converting the various empty private hostels and hotel rooms into isolation wards. In this provision even if we charge them with 1000 per day also it would not create any burden for the people. The people infected with the virus but healthy enough to fight can be provided with this ward.
5) The decrease in the police patrolling has increased the people
roaming without masks and travelling without any social distancing
measures like overcrowded autos etc. So, kindly police should be
patrolling the roads on a serious note once again.
TRS Govt. failed to curb the virus: CLP Leader Bhatti Vikramarka
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